Valentine's Day

So we are jumping from one holiday to the next, but I am finding that is what people in the flower business do! As soon as Christmas is over, Valentine’s Day, one of the largest flower days (along with Mother’s Day), looms over us. In order to make...

So, we had a baby

Well, you know. Not us personally. But, one of the many things we wanted to accomplish when buying this farm and having cattle, was to breed. And so it happened. On December 4th, while going to feed the cattle, Farmer Chris noticed Sadie not in the barn. Upon walking...

The Proposal

Years ago, when we literally “bought the farm,” never in my wildest dreams did I anticipate someone contacting me through Facebook, to ask for help for a proposal. But a few weeks back, that happened, and on Friday evening, a proposal occurred at the farm....


We thought the best way at keeping in touch would be an email sign-up for our monthly newsletter. Facebook has altered the way they do things and many people miss our posts! One way to remedy this is build our customer email base. So if you would so kindly sign up, we...

Desktop Calendars

We started offering desktop calendars this 2018 season because we thought everyone could use some pretty for their computers, every day. Feel free to download the featured image and use for your own computer.