Allergies and Flowers and Babble

It is Spring on the farm. With that, is an inability to breathe properly and an influx of sneezing and snot. The trees are budding and feeding the cattle can be an experience. My worst month is usually when the grass is seeding, May/June. Welts form on my skin and my...

Easter Bouquets

This winter has created some restlessness in me. As I watch my seed trays show life, a part of me misses creating bouquets on a daily basis. I thought it would be fitting to gather up masses of my favorite spring flowers, ranunculus, tulips and anemones, and create...

Good Riddance 2016

  This year was tough. No doubt about it. A growing year is what I would label it as. The final grind with my graduate studies. I began 2016 with dual internships in primary and secondary education settings, leaving my full-time job (my comfort) and going into...


From the moment the weather people were whispering gibberish about a storm of epic proportions, I was pretty convinced (well, that’s what I kept telling myself and everyone else) it wouldn’t happen. After all, winter had been kind to us. Yes, there were...

Yes, we don't know farming

Sometimes the negativity that resonates from people, the skeptics, the people who never tried more than what was placed in front of them, rings in my ears. Yes, we do not originate from farming families. We were not raised on farms. I had dogs and bunnies growing up,...