Yes, we don't know farming

Sometimes the negativity that resonates from people, the skeptics, the people who never tried more than what was placed in front of them, rings in my ears. Yes, we do not originate from farming families. We were not raised on farms. I had dogs and bunnies growing up,...

I should be writing a paper, but…

Well, it has been awhile. My lofty intentions of keeping a blog about our family’s farm extravaganza has not gone as planned. In addition to this farm, I work full-time (well…did… I begin my internships in school counseling soon and will work...

The inevitable dislike of Winter

It’s been cold. Frigid. Eyelash, booger-freezing cold. Wind chills of -20 to -30 below at our farm. Maybe if you live in the Midwest this is normal. Maybe if you sit in a house after dark and before daybreak, it’s not a big deal. It’s just winter...

The Other Part of Life Here

If I could tell you living on a farm is blissful, life would be perfect. Everything would work as it should, animals would live forever, and I would have a clean home; free of mud and sometimes, chicken feathers. But we know this isn’t the case and although we wanted...

The day they got out

We’ve heard stories of cattle getting out. Somehow we thought we would be exempt. We only had two, how much trouble could they get into? Yeah. We also have a Ferdinand. Today was the day. It was something like this. Left for work, steer were in the pasture. Then...