This year was tough. No doubt about it. A growing year is what I would label it as. The final grind with my graduate studies. I began 2016 with dual internships in primary and secondary education settings, leaving my full-time job (my comfort) and going into the unknown. Then after a bleak start to winter, we were dumped on by God.


Oh yes. One snowfall measuring 3 feet in size. A snowfall that tests what equipment can and cannot do.
It’s hard to be annoyed with the aftermath of a great snowstorm. Everything slows down, no one is getting anywhere, and the earth is clean and crisp. Even though our plow broke several times during the clearing process, there was the realization we couldn’t do anything about it. Schools were closed – some longer than others. We didn’t lose power, which was a miracle in itself, and eventually a friend with a Bobcat dug us out.

Hazel loved winter. No doubt about that one. But we couldn’t let her have all the fun…

Pearl was often treated like a queen (see blanket) – she was introduced to Willie in the same pasture shortly before the blizzard. There was one icy morning they did not approve of, hence breaking through split rail, thinking their lives were in great peril by the sound the ice made, falling to the ground. Willie and Pearl are pretty tolerant of gun fire, severe thunderstorms, and wind. But ice. Noooo. Having two 1000 lb. animals running towards you in the dark of morning is not pleasant. At least they stayed close by.


Moving on…we decided to grow vegetables and flowers this year. We also added more animals; a cow and her heifer, and of course, many more chicks. April brought a blank canvas and an eager farmer with a tractor and plow. SO eager, he plowed an acre of land. We began planting potatoes, two types of zucchini, kale, kale, and more kale, tomatoes (which had a poor year), carrots, and beets. Then there were the flowers (more on that later). Our goal was to give away hundreds of pounds of our vegetables. We did just that, donating food to Leg Up Farm, our school district, and local families.

In addition to all that was going on with our farm and family, I had a huge milestone personally. I graduated with my M.A. in School Counseling from Messiah College. After a year and a half of full-time work and school, I finished. So I felt it was only fitting I pose with a few of my friends who helped me through.


Summer brought flowers, particularly sunflowers. By July, all of the seeds I planted in May, were blooming. Now it was early for sunflowers, by the time many people wanted sunflowers, our fields were done. We also planted zinnias. But the sunflowers were main stage and in 2017 my goal is to plant more, in two different plantings and add some other flowers as well. My hope it to have half of our fields in flowers and the other half produce. We definitely learned what worked and what did not. We planted too much of some vegetables (kale – just does not sell well in our area?) and will reduce the number of zucchini as well (people in York County do not care for golden zucchini, who knew?). Every day the kids and I would pick vegetables and bring them to our stand or donate to local places. It was hard work, but rewarding as well.


In addition to graduating in late Spring, I was offered a job in July as a school counselor in a local junior high school. The blessing of working a school year position was awesome, getting a job in my specific field, even more awesome. Soon enough my work would begin, the kids would be back in school and keeping up with baling and our produce and flowers, a feat in itself.


We thought it was only fitting to have family pictures taken again. By our friends at Redfield Photography. So much had changed in the two years since our last session, it was great to capture this growth in both our farm and family.

Fall always brings a change, in both growing seasons and our busyness. I am not a fan of the start of school, especially after the slow pace of summer. But Fall brought beauty, a continued bouquet of Zinnias, a farm table potluck, and many cross country meets. Going through my photos proves that; many, many cross country meets.

So 2016 has come to a close. We feel fortunate to have this place to bless others – we definitely feel this is what we should use it for. Our hope and prayer is 2017 will be a great year, complete with growth and goals accomplished.