Well, you know. Not us personally. But, one of the many things we wanted to accomplish when buying this farm and having cattle, was to breed. And so it happened. On December 4th, while going to feed the cattle, Farmer Chris noticed Sadie not in the barn. Upon walking the perimeter of the pasture, he stumbled upon a newly born little guy. Slime and all.


It took some time to name him, but after a few days, we voted for “Beau.” He’s feisty and runs circles around his mom. He took to nursing, which is always a bit stressful to know if they are getting it. He also escaped his pen two times in one day. It’s amazing what calves can do in a week of life. For now, Sadie and Beau are separated from our other two. But we are pretty sure our heifer Livie, is pregnant too. So baby watch continues. For now, we are smitten with our little guy.
